The Immune System: Eureka

Archimedes: His Discovery was the talk of the town.

Archimedes, the ancient Greek scientist, was no exception. When his friend, King Hieron of Syracuse asked the famous scientist if the crown he was wearing was pure gold or if it was alloyed, Archimedes was stumped.

One day as he stepped into a bath, it came to him. The amount of water which overflowed was equal to the portion of his body placed in the bathwater. The same was true of goldand its alloys. Gold displaced a certain amount of water. Alloys, like silver, displaced different amounts.

Were told by historians, he was so excited about his discovery he ran through the town crying Eureka! (I found it!). He had discovered the principle of the immune systemuh, no, sorry, getting ahead of myselfthe principle of buoyancy.

Of course, what I said earlier applies here. We scientists do go overboard sometimes. He was so excited, he forgot to well get dressed. So, everyone got what they wanted that day. Archimedes got his discovery. King Hieron got a new crown (his alloyed crown displaced too much water)and the town got their buzz.

The immune system finally.

Since the beginning of modern medicine, scientists have wondered how the cells tell the body theres an infection hereor a dying cell, there. Did you ever wonder how the body knew where to send the relief which aspirin brings to a headache?

Now, we know. Over recent years, four Nobel Prizes have been won in the field of sugarFormally known as glyconutrition, glycomics, or glycobiology (with every discovery especially one as important as the immune system – scientists compete for names). So, you take your pick.

Whats so important here? Simply this. Before those four Nobel Prizes were won, we didnt know how cells communicated. Now, we find the communication is done with eight essential sugars (No, not 전담사이트 the table sugar we all are used to using.). Interestingly, the eight sugars are key to proper immune system functions.

All cells carry ID tags, so to speak. They are molecular structures called antigens. Each of these tags tells the immune system if a cell or other structure is a friend or foe.

A simple illustration may help here. Immune system cells roam throughout the body touching other body cells and asking one of several questions:

Are you a part of this body?
Are you well?
Do you need help?

It is the sugars cells use to code the answers so the immune system can understand cell response. Through the sugar code (the eight glyconutrients), the cells answer yes or no. If no to the first question, the immune system launches an attack upon the foreigner, an immune system rejection of the invader.

Unfortunately, some foreigners can mutate, so the immune system gets a signal its not used to gettingand must await further developments. Thats the reason we get different kinds of flu and colds. Interestingly again (it does get exciting here folks, I warn you), those further developments involving immune system cell response, may be sped up considerably with a ready supply of glyconutrients.

If the cell answers no to the second question above, the immune system sends help, repair, or protection.

If the cell answers no to the third question, the immune system cell moves on to other cells.

Healthy cells, ones with ALL eight of the sugars on them send the correct signals for the direction of nutrients, elimination of toxins (elimination works necessarily with the immune system), calling of antibody help (immune system), requests for elimination of dying cells (immune system again), signals of aberrant growth (immune system)

On the other hand, when the immune system is NOT functioning properly (sugars are NOT in place nutritionally or malformed), we experience one of several immune system reactions.

For example, if the immune system is an over active immune system, we can experience allergies, asthma, eczema, lupus, psoriasis, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis and diabetes.

If the sugars are not present, we can experience an under active immune system disorder. Such an under active immune system problem can lead to cancer, viral and bacterial infections, strep, sinus problems, Candida (yeast), Herpes simplex I and II, ear infections (moms take note for your young uns), HIV, colds, bronchitis, Hepatitis B and C, flu, TB, urinary infectionsamong others.

Glyconutrients are immune system modulators. In other words, if the immune system is over active, they can help balance the immune system response. If the immune system is an under active immune system, the glyconutrients can boost the immune system strength.

Supplying the body with glyconutrients, may mean significant help for your bodys immune system in dealing with bacterial and viral infections, malignancies, fungus infections, bacterial infections, parasites and neurological problems.

Finally, glyconutrients significantly increase immune system cell (killer cell) response by as much as 50 per cent in people who are generally healthy. This means cutting back the incidence of infections, parasites and growths. The statistic in people with compromised immune systems is as much as 400 per cent!

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