The Power Of Media

The media is responsible for both- reflecting values of a society and creating new ones to a good extent. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ goes an old proverb. It has been proved over and over again since the advent of writing and development of media. Media today consists of books, television, movies, music, internet, radio, magazines, newspapers etc. Each of them have evolved as a powerful medium in their own right.

Values lie at the core of the society. They evolve and become a part of the society over the years. Both tradition and modernization contribute 먹튀검증 to the development of values. Values change over time. What was considered taboo 20 years back is a way of life today. Thats how media tends to develop the world. Media is far-reaching. Hollywood stars have mass fan following in countries and places about which even the stars won’t have heard about. With the internet as goes the cliche- the world has become a smaller place. You can know anything about everything on the net, such is its power and reach. It reflects what people really are and what they really think. No hypocrisy here.

The United States has always been a fore-runner, be it...

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